Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tuesday, August 19

I ate two breakfasts this morning. I know, we all do it sometimes. Admit it. I tried to be good and had a 90 calorie special k breakfast bar. Have you seen these things?!! How do they chock all of that nutty goodness into just 90 calories, you ask? Well, I'll tell you. It's called portion control. My 90 calorie breakfast was elfin size.

SO, as I approached work, I considered, rationalized, my need for more breakfast. I didn't have dinner last night (but I did have ice cream). I work out (4 days a week). Breakfast is the best meal to splurge on because you have all day to work it off (sitting at my computer).

I know it's not really a bad mom moment, just a bad me moment. Same.

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