In addition to bad mom moments, my days are often punctuated by bad wife moments. Yours? Of course not.
Today, in all of the wildness that is caring for a sick child, we sat down to eat lunch. Sam said a very nice prayer, which he had to start twice due to my knocking over the curious george book mid-sentence and kate yelling "George! George!" I lift up my sandwich to take a bite and open to the first page of George, when the phone rings. Of course, it could only be one person. Stuart.
I admit, I'd been waiting for him to call all morning to tell my tale of woe and I was anxious to get lunch over to make it to coveted nap time.
So I answered the phone: "OH, hello Stuart! How are you doing today? I love you so much!"
"Do you, like, think of what could be the worst possible time to call us and then pick up the phone to dial? It seems like you always call as soon as we sit down for lunch or put someone in bed. Stuart? Stuart?"
Fortunately (or unfortunately) it was Stuart who caught this tirade at his thoughtful call home. But man, what a way to greet someone. Poor thing. After a quick apology, we did chat and he got to talk to the kids, but I've since called to add some more groveling to the batch. Good grief, Jaime.
Red day
Sam told me this morning that he heard it was a red day on the radio, where
everyone is supposed to wear red. I told him that a lot of the KC landmarks
10 years ago